Breitling In The Reno Air Race

One of the main clock prototypes is a pilot (or aviation) watch. There are many brands of products that fit this category, and this segment is attractive to anyone who is in love with flying or airplanes. Some brands have a real history of aviation, some brands try to produce the best pilot watches for today, and many others just try to imitate the concept of a fashion pilot watch. Anyone interested in aviation watches will have a variety of models to choose from.

For many people, the choice is easy. The actual pilot (civil and military) chooses or desires to own a Breitling Replica Watches. These are not the words of Breitling. This Swiss brand does have a historic connection with the aviation industry for generations, but it doesn’t matter to me. why? Ok, because many brands can say it accurately. In the aviation industry of the past 100 years, there are not a few watch manufacturers producing instruments and watches for pilots. This is the joint effort of many brands. Rolex, IWC, Tutima, A. Lange and Sohne, among others, can honestly claim to have a deep understanding of the development of pilot wrist instruments. contact. So why do today’s actual pilots seem to want to compare with the majority of the Breitling timepieces?

I don’t have all the answers, but I can share my experience. A few years ago, I met a random person. His job was to drive a private plane for a wealthy person. He traveled around the rich man and his friends and flew from one place to the rest of the world. He told me that he was a former military pilot and fortunate to have the very cool job he did. He is wearing a Breitling. I asked him why he wanted to buy this watch, and he didn’t have to think about it. According to him, having a Cheap Breitilng Replica Watches is the wish of most of his military pilots and current pilot colleagues. As we all know, Breitling is a sturdy and durable watch. The brand participates in many aviation activities and advertises in aviation magazines. It is widely regarded as “very good looking.” For him, the Breitling watch is for pilots. A very good status symbol. And still can work as a tool watch. Perhaps Breitling is Rolex’s view of the banker for the pilot. I found similar emotions among many other pilots and aviation professionals.

For example, military pilots earn very little money. This applies to most people in the military. What we want to point out is that all of these high-end timepieces for military use are unaffordable for most military personnel. This is absolutely true, but what we don’t know is that in order to make them easy to use, many of these brands have special procedures to choose military personnel at a discounted price. These are not very cheap prices and are not open to anyone in the military. The brand chooses a special squadron or unit, and often makes unique watches with logos, etc… Government lawyers often consider prices to make sure they are fair (not too low), then we want to wear high-end military watches There is a chance to do this. A coveted deal like pilots and soldiers, because they are not as common as they sound. For others, watches like Breitling Replica became a desire item they longed for.

How many actual pilots like the Breitling watch is really amazing. This is in stark contrast to just aviation enthusiasts or watch collectors. For me, this is an important point of view, because the entire marketing campaign of Fake Breitling Watches focuses on their connection to the flight. Any brand can choose to be associated with the event, but in this case it does. Beyond that, find out why pilots like the Breitling Timepiece are interesting.

I think the Admiral who oversees the Top Gun flight school is the best. He described his appreciation for Breitling for the manufacture of durable high-end watches that meet the needs and expectations of military pilot professionals. Then he quickly added that this definitely helps these works to be very sexy. These guys like to look good. For them, the Breitling watches meet their lifestyle needs, but in their view, this is also a great style.

In the United States, Breitling is one of the best performing high-end watch brands. Like Rolex, Breitling is also a brand that is not known to those who do not consider themselves to be “watch lovers.” This year, I have the opportunity to visit Swiss Breitling Watches in the 2012 Reno National Championships aviation competition and exhibition to learn how the main sponsor of the event will make a look.

For more than a decade, Breitling has been the main sponsor of the Reno Aviation Competition. This show is unbeatable in the United States (perhaps the world), because in addition to being an air show, they also have air games. The air race made the event particularly interesting. The old-fashioned warfare aircraft, often refitted, has the best time for a huge “sky orbit” airplane race. Watching the game for a few days is exciting and many planes compete on the track. Even if the winner has a bonus, the cost of participating in the preparation of the aircraft often exceeds the potential bonus. For those who are wealthy and extremely dedicated, this is another passionate hobby. In other words, it is the perfect connection for the pilot watch brand.

Breitling set up a tent there, which included a display and information about the Breitling watch. Surprisingly, the number of participants who attended the show was wearing a Breitling timepiece. Every year Breitling produces a limited edition watch for the Reno Air Racer – they will be sold when the Breitling tent is on display. Of the 50 pieces produced in 2012, about 30 were sold at the show. The connection between Breitling and the event is very profound. There is a Breitling aerobatic aircraft that can provide entertainment for the audience as well as the impressive Breitling brand. This is a cool place, unlike any other air show before.

The limited edition of the 2012 aviation event is a diving watch. This is the timepiece of the Breitling Superocean Chronograph II 44mm limited edition Reno National Champion Aviation Competition and Exhibition 2012. The special feature of this model is the red vulcanized rubber bezel inlay and the Reno air logo on the dial. It seems that the ocean theme of the watch has not been discouraged by any buyer. Unsold works will be distributed to a few Breitling distributors.

There is no denying that Breitling is one of a series of excellent aviation watch choices. However, Breitling sells some products, while others do not. For example, Breitling continues to offer a range of high-performance, high-precision super quartz movement timers. Quartz is an enemy in the luxury watch business, but these movements of the Swiss ETA are thermal models that are accurate to 10 seconds per year. Starting with the Breitling aerospace model, a series of works that have been coveted by many aviation professionals are constantly emerging. As an independent company, Breitling can do whatever they like, and I appreciate their unique attention to the needs of real professionals, not the production of luxury lifestyle products. There is no doubt that you can easily get a pure gold Breitling with diamonds.

Next year is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of Reno Air. Of course, Breitling has some special plans. Breitling employees operate in a relaxed and confident manner, and you will see a well-performing brand, but there are also some very good competitors. They are not self-satisfied, but they are convinced that they continue to maintain healthy sales and popularity on a global scale. I think that the honest connection and appreciation between people who tend to make timepieces is the key to success.